isqlite documentation ===================== .. warning:: This project is **no longer maintained** as of February 2023. It is recommended that you use a proper ORM like `SQLAlchemy `_ or `Django's ORM `_ instead. isqlite is an improved Python interface to SQLite. It has a more convenient API, support for schema diffing and migrations, and a command-line interface. It was written by `Ian Fisher `_ and the source code is available `on GitHub `_. Features -------- * An improved Python API. * e.g., ``db.insert("people", {"name": "John Doe"})`` instead of ``cursor.execute("INSERT INTO people VALUES ('John Doe')")``. * Rows are returned as ``OrderedDict`` objects instead of tuples. * Helper methods to simplify common patterns, e.g. ``get_or_insert`` and ``insert_many``. * Database migrations with automatic schema diffing. * Automatically diff the database against a schema defined in Python and apply the results. * Or, manually alter the database schema from the command-line using commands like ``isqlite drop-table`` and ``isqlite rename-column``. * A command-line interface. Usage ----- isqlite includes a convenient Python API that greatly simplifies working with SQL:: from isqlite import Database with Database(":memory:") as db: # Insert a new row into the database. pk = db.insert("employees", {"name": "John Doe", "age": 30}) # Retrieve the row as an OrderedDict. person = db.get_by_pk("employees", pk) print(person["name"], person["age"]) # Update the row. db.update_by_pk("employees", pk, {"age": 35}) # Delete the row. db.delete_by_pk("employees", pk) # Filter rows with a query. employees = "employees", where="name LIKE :name_pattern AND age > 40", values={"name_pattern": "John%"}, ) # Use raw SQL if necessary. pairs = db.sql( """ SELECT, FROM employees INNER JOIN teams ON = """ ) Contents -------- .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 installation howto schemas cli limitations security api Indices and tables ------------------ * :ref:`genindex` * :ref:`search`